LyriX Goodies History LyriX Goodies v1.0 - Never actually released 2 da public but it ended but gettin round, only me and da group bomb had it when i wz in bomb and when it wz alive. It wz da exact same as LyriX Goodies v1.0.6 except it had auto room bustas instead of da current no-close room busters. LyriX Goodies v1.0.6 - Da 1st actual release 2 da public same as LyriX Goodies v1.0 except d@ it has da best macfilez room bustas on aol ment not 2 close like squeeze pr so it don't close and its just as fast. LyriX Goodies v1.2 - Da 1st LyriX goodies 2 have a menu due 2 complaints and me hatin it 2 instead of da apple menu havin Lyrix Goodies da menu does. LyriX Goodies is unfortuanetly incompatible wit RamDoubler. LyriX Goodies v1.5 - A major improvement from last ver, LyriX Goodies as in da fdo area is slightly updated, sub menus have been added and is now compatible wit RamDoubler, size reduced however im editor taken out due 2 didn't relate 2 ims. LyriX Goodies v1.5.1 - A weak upd@e. Only made cz aol fucked up da room busta's, all room busta's work and r bout as fast as last time, instead of squeeze PR, Go2 Ne Room has been added. I also added some keys commands 2 da room sub menu, and made both da mm sub menu have a disable or enable key commands, depends on da situation of da sub menu's. LyriX Goodies v1.9 - A fuckin major upd@e! Menu re-written and menu fe@ures added, Area re-written, art changed nothin 2 get xcited bout but its betta, ch@ and IM changer added, conflictions highly reduced, and overall it kiX fuckin ass and it all comes togetha and makes sensce =D. • Special Note - Well i made dis v1.9 instead of v2.0 for a reason. da neXt ver if i can get it down will have fuckin hell features, yes, shit like AFK bots, room bustas d@ stop when der in, advertisers, and much mo shit =D L8r LyriX\£¥®±≥≤